About Me

I'm a food lover who works in the hospitality industry. I get to do a lot of people watching and my sarcasm could be award winning if anyone gave awards for such nonsense. From my father, I learned that there is only one right way to accomplish any task, and that is my way. I see most everything in black and white/right and wrong. On the rare occasions that I am wrong, I do try to admit it, but it is very painful.

I see a lot of crazy things, and have friends that say and do some really funny stuff. If you can't laugh at the things that happen in your life, then all you will want to do is cry. This is a chance to capture some of those moments. Or, as my mother said, this is the way I process my anger.

In order to protect the guilty, I have given the people in my day to day life alias'. I'm sure at some point, someone will be offended I have written about them. I hope that is not the case and that you take it as a compliment that I have taken several minutes of my currently extremely busy life to document a less than brilliant moment you had in your life. Just think, when we're old and senile this will be a way to remember our youth (or our 30's).

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