Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer Work Clothes

Here's the deal. It's literally 110 degrees outside and 62 degrees in my office. This is wreaking havoc on my wardrobe choices. Either I have to dress for my office temperature and begin melting like Frosty the second I walk outside or I wear something that I won't die walking to the parking lot but then I freeze to death all day in my office. Twice today I have found myself walking outside just so that I can warm up enough to keep typing while I work. I keep a blanket in my office and look like someone's great grandmother as I sit in my office with it draped over my legs. I understand that everyone wants it to be cool inside, but man, could we find a happier medium??

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Working on my Candidacy for What Not to Wear

Today, I am dressed like a tree. But a tree that isn't growing properly because my trunk is bigger than the leafy part. I say this because I'm wearing a brown tea length skirt and a green cardigan. I've noticed that not many things are made tea length. And why is it called tea length? I know why this length isn't popular - because when you are my height - it just looks like you are short and wearing a tall person's knee length skirt. I work with a girl that is 5' 10"  - If I wore her pencil skirt (which will never happen because she weighs all of 15 pounds) it would be the same length as the skirt I'm wearing today. If only I were taller - it would also make me look skinnier!!! Although it probably wouldn't because I would just eat that much more.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Blackberry Woes

I have iPhone envy. I want one. I have trouble with touch screens, but I want one. Although I have told myself that I will wait until my upgrade is available so that it won't be so expensive. So here's a list of what my blackberry is doing to try to ruin my life.

1. randomly turning itself off
2. the timer just turns and turns - possibly for hours at a time
3. I have about 800 updates, but RIM has locked me out for not EVER being able to remember my password
4. Not being able to connect to FaceBook so I can pretend that I'm not actually waiting on someone outside the restaurant, but that I am very important and need to check my messages

Watch it Blackberry or you and I will be finished.