Friday, December 30, 2011

Year in Review

I tomorrow is officially the end of the year, but today is the end of my year. Yes, I'm special. Today is my birthday and having a birthday at the end of the calendar year really allows for a lot of reflecting. I know I probably overdo lists - but here's a quick recap of this year.

1. Fabio and I were engaged
2. Snarky and I met a crazy bridal dress consultant who kept hugging me
3. I refrained from hitting the servers
4. I met the crazy man that works in special events for the WV State Capital
5. Snarky, Fabio and I saw Jesco White "perform"
6. A bunch of us tried a diet and learned that we don't like drinking water and we hate yogurt (except the frozen varieties)
7. We learned that we aren't great at following diets that require us to eat yogurt and drink water
8. Fabio and I got married and then I stole someone's luggage
9. I was almost killed by ducks
10. Snarky wrote her first guest blog (I say first because I feel like her anger needs and outlet and she should start her own)
11. I am living with a boy and we need a bigger house
12. My brother and I both love torturing our bosses in very obscure ways.
13. I need to start working on my goals before I turn 40 because that is getting closer! (although I was promised cake lollies for my 40th)

Happy New Year to you!!

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