Monday, December 5, 2011

Multi Tasking and a Flash Mob

I just got a text from Fabio that reads "I like the multi holiday mish mash that is our front door."

Apparently when I put the wreath up, I completely forgot that the pumpkin should go. Or maybe I'm just really early for next year.

In completely unrelated news - I thought I was going to witness a flash mob yesterday. I pulled into the Target parking lot and saw several people in white shirts and black pants. When I was walking through the store, I saw even more of them milling around. They were making sure to be very I of course started following them. I pulled my phone out of my purse so I could tell Sassy because I was so excited. I mean, a real live Flash Mob in Target for no apparent reason. And since it's December, maybe they would be caroling? How cool would it be to see a Flash Mob of carolers? When I finally work my way back to the Christmas section of the store I see them shooshing each other - Sassy is telling me not to leave and I am just hovering in the next aisle waiting for the show to start. When nothing happens, I move into the next aisle. Only to see them sword fighting with the wrapping paper. I didn't happen upon a Flash Mob, I happened upon a bunch of teenagers in Target who probably came from a choir concert.

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