Friday, December 30, 2011

Year in Review

I tomorrow is officially the end of the year, but today is the end of my year. Yes, I'm special. Today is my birthday and having a birthday at the end of the calendar year really allows for a lot of reflecting. I know I probably overdo lists - but here's a quick recap of this year.

1. Fabio and I were engaged
2. Snarky and I met a crazy bridal dress consultant who kept hugging me
3. I refrained from hitting the servers
4. I met the crazy man that works in special events for the WV State Capital
5. Snarky, Fabio and I saw Jesco White "perform"
6. A bunch of us tried a diet and learned that we don't like drinking water and we hate yogurt (except the frozen varieties)
7. We learned that we aren't great at following diets that require us to eat yogurt and drink water
8. Fabio and I got married and then I stole someone's luggage
9. I was almost killed by ducks
10. Snarky wrote her first guest blog (I say first because I feel like her anger needs and outlet and she should start her own)
11. I am living with a boy and we need a bigger house
12. My brother and I both love torturing our bosses in very obscure ways.
13. I need to start working on my goals before I turn 40 because that is getting closer! (although I was promised cake lollies for my 40th)

Happy New Year to you!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

So in November when I got married, I also got a step dog. She has to be walked about 4 times a day. Since I haven't been at work for two weeks, I felt guilty and thought I would be nice and assume the responsibility for a few of the walks - the ones during daylight :) But over the past few days I have noticed something I find very disturbing.

There is a nice elderly woman who walks her dog several times a day also. My issue is that when I walk Clair - Clair is doing the walking too. When this lady walks her dog, she is carrying him! Seriously? Why would you go out several times a day to carry your dog around????

It's like my own neighborhood version of the Ridiculist.

New Year Resolutions

It's that time of year again! Have you made a list of a bunch of stuff you would like to do but most likely will not? Here is mine...I think all of these things are quite perfectly unrealistic.

1. Stop complaining about my job
2. Lose 30 pounds
3. Stay focused and organized
4. Find a cure for my dry skin

Here's wishing you the best of luck with your resolutions! I hope you are more successful than me :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Taking on the Big Bank

Not in the sense that I'm sure you are thinking. Here is the thing, I know I have a very short fuse for poor customer service. I feel that everyone should treat their clients as you do in a four star hotel. Therefore, I am about ready to quit using banks and keep my money under a mattress.

So I pull up to the ATM to make a deposit and there are no envelopes. Kind of annoying that I have to back out of the ATM, but no one else is around so no problem. I walk inside and am greeted as if I'm at Moe's. I walk up to the teller and give her my deposit slip and check and kindly (really I promise) say "just so you know, the ATM is out of envelopes."

Do you know what she says to me???? "We don't service the ATM, there is another company that deals with that."

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I love vacation - I currently do not have to show up at my office again until 2012!! I know what you are thinking - endless amounts of time to play on the internet. Sorry friend, I have a to-do list a mile long. You see, I have put off every chore for the past month because I was going to have so much time off. So, today I could write a FB status like the ones that drive me crazy. It would read

busy day - finish Christmas shopping, wrap presents, finish laundry, have lunch with Marge, reorganize the shed and guest bedroom, clean the kitchen and take the recycling out.

Yeah right, I'll get ALL of that done today. If today is a relative term like this month.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

There's a Reindeer on that Car!

Or You're Not Fooling Me, I know that's a car and not a reindeer!

See, Lizard is outraged at all the people who are decorating their cars. She doesn't think you should throw a big red bow on your 1987 Honda - makes people sad to think that you believe that's a new car. She also is concerned that you may crack and leave your children in there as a present to whomever is calling social services to report you as a bad parent.

The other night I saw a big car that had a sleigh and some reindeer that lit up on top of it. Here's the thing - I love the phrase go big or go home....but in this case, I feel compelled to tell you that if you can't fit 8 reindeer on top of your car, maybe you should just stick to the reindeer antlers that fit in your window. I mean, how much power is that whole on the go display eating up in your car battery? And how did you find time to do all that?

As I'm typing this, I just realized that from my childhood to present day - the title of this post is very different. Growing up if someone said "there's a reindeer on that car" I would assume it was a dead deer. As an adult living in a decent size city, it means someone has strapped lawn ornaments to the roof of their car.

Merry Christmas y'all

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You Better Watch Out, You Better Not Cry

Or pout, or throw a temper tantrum or punch someone. Not because it's almost Christmas and you are afraid of Santa, but because if you are reading this, there is a high likelihood that you are a grown adult and that is no way to act.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Weight Gain Train

I'm sorry - it doesn't seem like December to me. I'm having a hard time wrapping my pea size brain around the fact that Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is quickly approaching. As always, I have triple booked myself this month and we're still trying to organize the house. When am I going to find time to bake?? I mean, I love to bake this time of year....and of all years, I finally have a KitchenAid mixer to assist me!! I have all kinds of ideas on Pinterest just waiting for me...and I'm failing all of those delicious calories. How am I going to gain 8 pounds if I'm not constantly eating sweets?

Also, I am saddened by the fact that I am no longer able to be the reigning cookie champion of my former place of employment. Apparently if you don't work there, you can't win or even enter the contest!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Multi Tasking and a Flash Mob

I just got a text from Fabio that reads "I like the multi holiday mish mash that is our front door."

Apparently when I put the wreath up, I completely forgot that the pumpkin should go. Or maybe I'm just really early for next year.

In completely unrelated news - I thought I was going to witness a flash mob yesterday. I pulled into the Target parking lot and saw several people in white shirts and black pants. When I was walking through the store, I saw even more of them milling around. They were making sure to be very I of course started following them. I pulled my phone out of my purse so I could tell Sassy because I was so excited. I mean, a real live Flash Mob in Target for no apparent reason. And since it's December, maybe they would be caroling? How cool would it be to see a Flash Mob of carolers? When I finally work my way back to the Christmas section of the store I see them shooshing each other - Sassy is telling me not to leave and I am just hovering in the next aisle waiting for the show to start. When nothing happens, I move into the next aisle. Only to see them sword fighting with the wrapping paper. I didn't happen upon a Flash Mob, I happened upon a bunch of teenagers in Target who probably came from a choir concert.