Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I can't stop stupid

This is one of the hardest lessons that I am still trying to learn. You see, my dad didn't put up with stupid...or crying for that matter. I grew up in a household that you are always prepared for anything that you may need or that anyone else may forget. This has continued into my professional life. On a subconscious level, the more prepared I am will make up for your lack of intelligence.

Here is a perfect example. The parking deck is closed. You can A. park on the surface lot or B. sit in front of the gate and just wonder what has happened. Well, based on the fact that I am even blogging about this, I bet you can guess what happened. That's right - I found the caterers this morning parked in front of the gate wondering why no one was here yet. Seriously? did you not notice that you drove through the gate at the entrance to the parking lot? Did you not see the cars parked in the lot? Did you not know that the building had a front door? Why are you so stupid?

It is my job to make sure the client is happy. While I personally feel like this doesn't include babysitting grown adults who should be able to handle the most basic problem solving, I can't always anticipate everything that will happen. I need you to think on your own just a little bit.

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