Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh How I Hate You

Pantyhose are just one of my many arch nemeses. What I really don't understand is why a product that starts at your feet and ends at your waist would have the primitive sizing structure of socks. Yes, they do cover your feet, but let me assure you that I have a lot of friends whose feet are the same size as mine, but our hips and waists are no where near the same size. Yes, they stretch, but come on, every fabric has it limits. And really? How insulting to women everywhere that clothes have a thousand sizes, but hose have only 3. They might as well be one size fits all.

Before you even mention it, I do realize I am one of a very small group of people under 50 who even wear pantyhose anymore. I promise you, the reason is not because they don't make your legs look better in the middle of winter, it is because no one can find a pair that properly fit. In order for you to fit perfectly into any pair you would need to be 7'9" and weigh 123 pounds. I am 5'2", mine come up to my chin.

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