Several weeks ago, I was having a very busy day at work and during the morning rush, I walked into the lobby to see nothing less than a catering server wearing a bright pink, obnoxious hat that could best be described as troll doll hair. After counting to ten and taking several deep breaths, I asked her to remove the hat. I was told she needed to go fix her hair. At this point, I felt certain that steam was seeping from my ears and that it was only a matter of seconds until my head would actually explode.
In my attempt to avoid confrontation, I marched into my office and started typing an email to my sales contact at the catering company...it read "Moving forward, can we ask that the servers come to work ready to work? I had one this morning that needed to do her hair and makeup before she could start setting up."
Obviously, this got a quick response...an immediate phone call to apologize and a promise to make sure it never happened again. But all I could keep repeating was "I walked into the lobby and there was a troll doll walking around." She thought this was hysterical and the next day I received a present. She told me she had looked everywhere for a troll doll but couldn't find any (probably because it's not 1987). When I opened the box, I found a miniature chia pet with a pink head.
As if all that weren't crazy enough, I have tried to start growing my pets "hair". Sadly, it seems to have a balding pattern. If you know how to help my middle aged male chia pet, please let me know!!!
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