Monday, December 3, 2012

We Don't Keep Score

Since I'm surrounded by babies these days, I begin to wonder what this next generation will be like. Will they be another generation of people who don't keep score and don't have a prom queen because we're all beautiful? I really hope not. Will Bank of America still hire recruiters just to deal with the parents who are involved with their child's job interview. I mean seriously - I heard this recently and my head about exploded. Most of the parents I know have children who are in elementary school or younger, so here is my plea. Once your child graduates from college, you need to cut the cord. DO NOT call their employer to complain about the raise they got (or didn't get). If they are out of college and working full time, they are old enough to speak on their own behalf. Sure, you can guide them through things....but from your house and to only them. When you call their employer because of an issue that they should be addressing, it just makes you look like an over bearing idiot.

And let's face it....we are not all beautiful. And if no one is prom queen, then what happens to tiaras?

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