You probably won't find this too surprising, but certain things on Facebook drive me insane. Here is a working list of things that I think should be banned.
DISCLAIMER: If your panties are in a wad and you take every last little thing so personally that you cry every day, you should probably skip this post. Items mentioned below are not from one individual person but from a wide array of multiple offenders.
1. Your running list of errands for the week. Ok sure, you want people to know where you are and what your doing and if you are me, you want to tell the whole world that you have actually made it to the gym so that you can be praised for the effort. What I don't want to read is what you are doing for the WEEK. One day at a time people, one day at a time. (now One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus is stuck in my head)
2. Your doctor's appointments. I will give you a pass if you are seriously ill and trying to update a large group of people about what is going on. If you or your husband has a runny nose, I have a status update for one cares.
3. Stuff you are selling for your kids. I had to go out and bother my parent's friends personally or over the phone. It was an effort to teach me how to interact with adults. You should try it, if your kid is old enough to be selling candy bars, they can get out from behind your legs and ask me to buy one. They're cuter and would have better luck anyway. It's easy for me to ignore your post or tell you no. I do feel I need to give this a disclaimer, after all, I do realize that your child is precious and that he or she could be kidnapped just walking up to strangers doors. Just stop pushing their wrapping paper on me is all I'm asking.
4. Games - I understand that you may like to play Mafia Wars, or Farmville, and I know how to block those things from my feed so that we can coexist peacefully. However, once you start having full wall conversations about needing help with your farm as if you actually live on one and are unable to harvest the crops and your friends are chiming in about ways to help...I am over it. Here I am thinking that you are in real need of help but really, it's just the game.
5. Negative Nancy - I'm going to take you off my news feed if you can't find something nice or humorous to say every once in a while. I know I have a pretty good life, and not everyone I know can say the same. We all hit rough points, and need a friend to help us out. But help me out, if you're having a good hair day, post that every once in a while!
I would like to dedicate this post to Christy. This whole post began as a venting email because I knew she felt my pain.