Sunday, January 29, 2012

Urban Legends

I probably don't strike you as one who believes urban legends. I call bluff on most of them. However, the other day, I found myself deciding just not to chance it. On my drive to work a 5:40 am, I saw a car pulling out of the gas station without their headlights on. I look around to see if any other cars are around - when I don't see any, I choose to let the driver possibly be in a car wreck instead of flashing my lights to signal to them. After all, I don't want to die in a gang initiation and I feel certain that they happen right before rush hour. A few blocks later, I also came to the realization that since my car has automatic headlights, I'm not even sure how to flash them. Guess I'm safe from the gangs for at least one more day.

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