I have always been under the assumption that your car is for driving. This is the main purpose of having a car. While I am guilty of occasionally putting on lip gloss, I do not try to completely get ready in the car. This morning I had the unfortunate privilege of being behind a woman who must have rolled out of bed and into her car. In my 12 minute commute to work, I saw make up, hair brush, and a cloud of hairspray that would have set the whole car on fire if there had been a spark.
I will refrain from elaborating on how bad her hair looked from my car and just suggest that maybe you take that extra few minutes in the morning to complete the majority of your grooming in the house instead of for an audience of drivers who wonder when you will blow yourself up.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ok, so I am fortunate enough to work in an office that goes to a 4 day work week for the summer. But here's the catch, if we have groups in, then obviously we don't all take the day off. Well, today is the first day of the first week of the summer schedule, so instead of taking 5 days to work 40 hours, you split 40 hours into 4 days. I'm bad at math, but this is a simple concept to me. Apparently though, I am a genius because everyone else can't seem to figure out when to come to work???
Friday, May 7, 2010
Advanced Planning
So there is a group who is arriving soon and by soon I mean early next week. Over 100 people. The planner couldn't be bothered to sign the contract before yesterday morning. This gives me chest pains. Theoretically, I am not going to do anything with the information until Monday anyway, but the fact that they are withholding the information is driving me crazy. As my boss would say "I'm all out of sweet girl."
So yesterday morning after I receive the signed contract, I drop everything to send them menus and AV questions. Nothing...just the frogs outside my office croaking. No information being returned, only sent. This morning I start making calls - no answers, no return calls. Blood pressure is hitting amazing levels at this point. Maybe I'll go to the hospital with the woman who felt like she was having a heart attack. Did I mention it's been a good day so far? Oh wait, she wants to go to Gaston Memorial...too far away from my house. I guess I'll just stay here and hope that maybe someone will decide it would be beneficial for me to have meeting details.
Have I mentioned that patience is not a virtue I possess? I called the assistant's cell phone. I mean, her fault for giving it to Crystal if she didn't want any of us to call her. So I'm telling her in my sweetest voice possible that I really need a decision on lunch for next week as well as how they want the rooms set up and what their AV needs are. Well, she's just so glad I have called. However, right now she is in Walmart, and can't hear me too well so she needs to call me back when she returns to the house.
Yet another way the Walmart wins out.
So yesterday morning after I receive the signed contract, I drop everything to send them menus and AV questions. Nothing...just the frogs outside my office croaking. No information being returned, only sent. This morning I start making calls - no answers, no return calls. Blood pressure is hitting amazing levels at this point. Maybe I'll go to the hospital with the woman who felt like she was having a heart attack. Did I mention it's been a good day so far? Oh wait, she wants to go to Gaston Memorial...too far away from my house. I guess I'll just stay here and hope that maybe someone will decide it would be beneficial for me to have meeting details.
Have I mentioned that patience is not a virtue I possess? I called the assistant's cell phone. I mean, her fault for giving it to Crystal if she didn't want any of us to call her. So I'm telling her in my sweetest voice possible that I really need a decision on lunch for next week as well as how they want the rooms set up and what their AV needs are. Well, she's just so glad I have called. However, right now she is in Walmart, and can't hear me too well so she needs to call me back when she returns to the house.
Yet another way the Walmart wins out.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
So I wear a nametag to work every day...well, most days. This is to identify me as someone who works here and not a participant of another meeting. When groups are in house, some wear nametags and some don't. But today I saw something that I didn't expect.
The group that is here has printed name tags, but I have seen 2 or 3 people with hand written nametags. Not uncommon for networking events, but a little mysterious for a corporate meeting. Still, most of them have just scribbled their name on with a sharpie. About ten minutes ago I saw a woman who had taken more time with hers. Each letter was a different, bright color (red, yellow, blue and orange)and to beat it all, the letters were bubble letters! I mean seriously???? I would expect such action from a 15 year old girl, but this woman is well into her 50's. So this begs the question...how old is too old for bubble letters? I say anything past college when you are in a working environment.
The group that is here has printed name tags, but I have seen 2 or 3 people with hand written nametags. Not uncommon for networking events, but a little mysterious for a corporate meeting. Still, most of them have just scribbled their name on with a sharpie. About ten minutes ago I saw a woman who had taken more time with hers. Each letter was a different, bright color (red, yellow, blue and orange)and to beat it all, the letters were bubble letters! I mean seriously???? I would expect such action from a 15 year old girl, but this woman is well into her 50's. So this begs the question...how old is too old for bubble letters? I say anything past college when you are in a working environment.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Chia Pet Update

I know that everyone has been distraught by the lack of hair my chia pet was growing. He has been using just for men and the results are amazing! Now I'm trying to figure out the best style for him. Oh, and now he has a mouth, but no nose. He actually has several different mouths to choose between. Because that's what I need, one more distraction in my day. First it was Facebook, and I'm expected to use twitter two to three times a day and now I have to decide what kind of mood my chia pet is in. But on the other hand, it's pretty fantastic because now when people walk by my office and ask who I'm talking to, I tell them I'm talking to the pet. Sounds better than admitting that I talk to myself! I guess he needs a name? Send me some suggestions!
In other agricultural news from my office, my peace lilly is starting to bloom, but I'm killing a fern. It's happy and sad all in the same basket.
Monday, May 3, 2010

I fully believe that Public Service Announcements are made in an effort to inform the public, but the one I witnessed this weekend was in a different spot than normal. We've all seen a sign outside of a church with a little quip that guilts you about attending on a regular basis, and my generation grew up with "the more you know" spots on TV. This tops them all though...at a small burger place in Pensacola, the sign reads:
"2 Cheeseburgers $2.99
PTSD is real
Not Crazy
Open Sunday 11-4"
Here is a picture to prove that I'm not making this up...we stopped between the wedding and reception to capture a few shots!
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