Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tights and Automatic Toilets

It's that time of year again. Tights - which prevent me from looking scaly, are an every day part of my wardrobe.

This weekend, we had the pleasure of visiting FL for my cousin's wedding. While it was still 86 there, I was wearing tights or hose because I thought the sight of my super white legs may scare the locals to death. Our day Friday consisted of a 1 1/2 hour drive, then an 1 1/2 flight, and finally a 2 our drive....talk about over the river and through the woods. But anyway, I tell you this to illustrate the number of public restrooms I used this day.

Here is the thing. While I TRULY appreciate the ability to flush a toilet by moving and not touching it, what I don't appreciate is the toilet flushing 15 times while I try to hike up my tights again. This happens even more if I'm wearing hose and am trying not to put a hole in them.

Am I the only one??

Thursday, December 6, 2012

RSVP - or Snarky's Biggest Pet Peeve

Snarky has thrown a lot of parties recently and she has about had it with people who don't respond. I got married last year, so I know exactly how she feels. So here are a few thoughts so you aren't on Snarky's naughty list...or anyone elses.

1. Don't not RSVP because you don't want to go but you don't want to hurt the person who invited you. I know you are loved by all, but this person will get over it.
2. Especially in cases of weddings or other expensive events, if you RSVP'd to attend and something has come up that you cannot, let the person know. Otherwise, they have paid for food that will not be eaten and that can be really expensive.
3. Do not respond on someone's Facebook wall. I feel certain that was now how you were invited. What about the people that didn't make the cut? Now they feel sad and lonely.
4. If at some point you offered to host or help host and now cannot...own up to it. It's ok, life happens, but what is super annoying is when other people are in a holding pattern waiting for you to respond!

Monday, December 3, 2012

We Don't Keep Score

Since I'm surrounded by babies these days, I begin to wonder what this next generation will be like. Will they be another generation of people who don't keep score and don't have a prom queen because we're all beautiful? I really hope not. Will Bank of America still hire recruiters just to deal with the parents who are involved with their child's job interview. I mean seriously - I heard this recently and my head about exploded. Most of the parents I know have children who are in elementary school or younger, so here is my plea. Once your child graduates from college, you need to cut the cord. DO NOT call their employer to complain about the raise they got (or didn't get). If they are out of college and working full time, they are old enough to speak on their own behalf. Sure, you can guide them through things....but from your house and to only them. When you call their employer because of an issue that they should be addressing, it just makes you look like an over bearing idiot.

And let's face it....we are not all beautiful. And if no one is prom queen, then what happens to tiaras?

Monday, November 26, 2012

Domestic Goddess

So, yesterday morning I woke up invigorated to do a thousand things. I was going to clean out the kitchen cabinets, bake an apple pie, make chicken chili, and put up the Christmas decorations. Well, I did all of it! Along the way, I also filled the house with smoke (apple pie goo ran over the pan and tried to start a fire in my oven), created 3 bags of trash and recycling that needed to go out and decided I need more Christmas decorations. The cabinets are so clean and organized that Martha would be proud. However, I'm not sure what she would say about the rest of the kitchen.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sorry I've been Gone

Sorry - I know, this blog has somehow turned into the red headed stepchild of my life. I admit it, I have a new blog that is getting more attention. www.allergicadultlovesfood.com You should check it out. It's not that I haven't been irritated, I just have been so irritated and so busy that I haven't had time to vent. Well, ok...that's sort of a lie, I'm always venting. Just not to everyone.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cry Baby

I think my stress level has hit an all time high. Every time I turn around, someone at work has a great new idea of something I can do.  It's just getting to be wayyyyy too much. So today, in between 2 of my 4 meetings, I run to the kitchen to grab my sandwich. But it's gone. Someone stole my sandwich! The worst part is that there were three platter of sandwiches, but because I have a thousand food allergies, I have to bring my own and I can't eat any of the others in there. So I got really angry and cried. Seriously, I cried. I didn't have time to run out and grab something else and so I was left to eat popcorn. If I find out who stole my lunch, I'm going to rip their arms off.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A few issues that need to be addressed

There is still just so much going on in my life that I can't keep up, and unfortunately, posting seems to be the first to go. Don't think my list of grievances is short though. In list form-here is what is driving me crazy.

1. Pinterest melted spoon flowers. Who has the time to melt plastic spoons into flowers and paint them??? Get a job.
2. Short timer employees. I have a soon to be former coworker who resigned, gave a five week notice and asked for 4 vacation days. He has yet to work a full 8 hour day since resigning. I feel like he is a waste of space.
3. Parking at Trader Joes. I know I have already gone off about this, but seriously - Sunday I watched some woman take SEVEN attempts to get in a parking space. Maybe if you weren't trying to park your Tahoe in a compact space it would fit better.
4. Meetings. Ok, so yes meetings by themselves sometimes drive me crazy....but what sends me spiraling out of control is when I'm the only person ready for the meeting when it is supposed to start. I have other things to do - so if everyone shows up on time...no one is wasting time.
5. Passive Aggressive Nonsense. We're all adults, if you are mad at me don't make me drag it out of you as to why. If I haven't already addressed that I know, then I have no idea and you saying you're fine is fooling absolutely no one. You may treat your spouse that way, but I will just ignore you. (previously I would have thrown something at you, but I just learned that I could be put in jail for battery even if it's just something light that I throw at you...and quite frankly, your temper tantrum is not worth me being locked up).